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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Bee Gul believes that sexual exploitation is a prevalent issue in the entertainment industry.

Renowned writer and staunch feminist Bee Gul finds solace in knowing that all her accomplishments in the entertainment industry have been on her own terms.

During a guest appearance on Rafay Mahmood’s podcast, the writer of “Jamun Ka Darakht” bravely tackled the pervasive issue of sexual exploitation in showbiz, sharing her experiences in an industry rife with inappropriate demands.

“It’s so prevalent that any woman entering the industry sees it as normal,” Bee stated matter-of-factly, dispelling any illusions that the industry could ever be “pure and clean.” “It’s a common occurrence everywhere. Women mentally prepare themselves for it, knowing that at some point, they may have to trade their bodies or beauty.”

Bee emphasized that offering sexual favors is often seen as a necessary part of advancing in the industry. “For many, it’s the only way to the top, regardless of their acting abilities.”

She also highlighted the pressure on women actors over 35, noting that they are often considered past their prime and may feel compelled to compromise their values to succeed. “There’s a narrow age bracket here,” she explained. “They can’t afford to spend so much time struggling. If the age bracket were more flexible, things might be different.”

Bee cited the case of a friend, a talented actor who had to leave the field because she refused to compromise her values. However, Bee noted that while some individuals may choose to stand their ground, newcomers in the industry are more susceptible to exploitation.

“Many of the girls entering the field now are educated and financially stable, and they are treated differently,” she observed. “It’s the ambitious girls who have never had much and desire a better life – they are the ones who end up compromising.”

Despite the challenges, Bee emphasized that she does not judge women who choose to make compromises for success. “It’s a personal choice,” she said. “But it’s a choice I never made.”

Bee reflected on the numerous offers she received, including an apartment in New York and luxury vacations, which she turned down. “I regret not taking them,” she admitted. “But my principles are more important to me than material gains.”

Despite facing challenges, Bee’s short film “Jamun Ka Darakht” has received global acclaim, demonstrating that she has succeeded against the odds, albeit with less financial success than some of her peers.

“I survived,” she asserted. “They couldn’t silence me just because I didn’t give in. They tried to make me irrelevant, but if you choose not to compromise, there are ways to survive in this industry. It’s not a matter of life or death.”

According to Bee, the key to navigating such a toxic environment is knowing what you want in life. “You need to be clear about your priorities,” she advised. “For me, what matters is being able to pay my bills and drive a reasonable car.”

Despite living more modestly due to her principles, Bee’s scripts continue to challenge misogyny and patriarchy, shining a light on important social issues.

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