26.3 C
Friday, March 28, 2025




Who we are?

We are a group of independent and progressive journalists and writers with vast experience in media. We are not driven by commercialism or commercial interests; instead, our journalism is centered around the public interest. We believe in independent, progressive, and impartial journalism. We uphold the ideals of democracy, progressive patriotism, and shared prosperity. We are committed to the principles of equality, freedom, liberty, fairness, and opportunities for all. We stand against all forms of repression, discrimination, and exploitation.

Our mission at Pakistan Khabar is to create more informed citizens with deeper understanding of events-ideas-society and culture not only in Pakistan but also across the world.
Our mission is to promote progressive ideas and democratic culture and traditions in the society. To achieve this- Pakistan Khabar reports-produces-acquires and distributes news-information and other content of highest quality. We believe in quality journalism of highest standards. We believe in public service and cultural expression through journalism.

Our Objectives

  • The main objective to launch this site is to promote, human values, peace, harmony, tolerance and to cut across the menace of extremism, intolerance, hate and violence.
  • To clarify the misconceptions about the Pakistani society and people which were developed over the years because of violence and extremism?
  • To promote positive image of Pakistan and bringing out the best of its people
  • To promote education, reading and learning among its audience and readers
  • To highlight the everyday problems of Pakistani people and the people around the world
  • To promote citizen journalism to spread awareness about democratic, civic and human rights among the communities
  • To promote the real values, cultures and rich civilisation and heritage of Pakistan
  • To provide national and international news, opinion and analysis with Pakistani perspective
  • To give clear perspective, impartial and independent analysis and views
  • To promote the culture of tolerance, pluralism, civilised discussions and debates in the society.
  • To report the events and news as they unfold without any bias and prejudice.
  • To report and analyse news without having any discrimination against any section of the society on the basis of religion, language, gender and ethnicity
  • To support democracy, human rights, human dignity, rule of law and human and economic development in Pakistan
  • To promote and develop the independent and impartial journalism
  • To provide an independent platform to the new and young writers, columnists and journalists to show and develop their talent and ability.