Pavel Durov, CEO of the social media platform Telegram, is facing preliminary charges in France for allegedly permitting criminal activities on the messaging app, according to press reports on Wednesday.
Authorities accuse Telegram of facilitating activities such as child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering, while the company has reportedly refused to cooperate with investigators, as reported by SkyNews.
Telegram has rejected these allegations, asserting that its moderation policies adhere to EU laws and industry standards.
The company called the accusations “absurd,” arguing that holding a platform or its owner responsible for misuse by criminals is unfounded, according to media reports.
Durov, who was born in Russia and became a French citizen in 2021, was arrested after landing his private jet at Le Bourget airport near Paris.
French judges have prohibited him from leaving the country during the investigation, although he avoided jail by posting a €5 million (over $5.5 million) bail.